AMS DocumentationAMS

Email Endpoint

An email endpoint will send an email as the outcome of a route.

The email can contain content from the messages involved in the route, as well as any documents (Word, Excel or PDF) created during transformations. Such documents will be sent as attachments.

The address fields (to, from, reply to, cc, bcc), subject and body values of the email can all take FreeMarker Templates or plain text. HTML email is not currently supported.

The options for an email endpoint are:

Option Description
To Addresses A comma separated list of valid email addresses to send to the email to.
From Address The From address, currently ignored and set to
Reply To Address The valid email address to use in the “reply to” header field.
CC Addresses A comma separated list of valid email addresses to copy, cc, the email to.
BCC Addresses A comma separated list of valid email addresses to blind copy, bcc, the email to.
Subject The subject of the email.
Body The body or content of the email. Only plain text is allowed.
XML As Body Only available if an XML transformation is present in the route. If enabled, this will set the body of the email to the formatted string representation of the XML.
XML As Attachment Only available if an XML transformation is present in the route. If enabled, this will add an attachment to the email containing the XML as a file.

Valid Email Address

If an email address is not valid then it will not be added to the address field in the email (to, cc or bcc). An email with no valid to addresses will not be sent.

Dynamic Addresses

Each of the address fields can take a FreeMarker Templates as their import, therefore it is possible to dynamically include an email address, either from data within the message, such as user’s email address as set in meta data, or by evaluating a value using a conditional, if-else, statement.