AMS DocumentationAMS

Separator Item

A separator field is a purely visual element which draws a horizontal line on the screen with an optional title.

It is useful for separating sections of fields on a screen.

Separator fields are not included in the data for a message, as they have no associated values.

The following screenshot illustrates the configuration of a Separator item with a title.

Separator Field

The following screenshot illustrates a screen with two separator bars (highlighted) with and without a title as rendered on a Samsung device (4.4.2):

Separator Field On Device


Item Definition
Label The title of the separator that may appear before the line.
External Label A value must be provided but it is not used.
Show Label If this is checked then the Label will be visible (refer separator “Tenant Contact Details” in the screenshot above). If it is unchecked then the Label will not be visible (refer separator after the “Lease Expiry” field in the screenshot above)
Visibility Set the visibility options for the field.